Quality Referrals to Increase business

Our high quality pre-qualified referrals help our members enhance and increase their business. It’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know”. We at IGLA provide you with a great source of connections.

With IGLA’s motivated group of members there are abundance of opportunities! There are always lots of opportunities that come from networking and the benefits of associating with IGLA network are huge!

Annual General Meetings

Being visible and getting noticed is a big benefit of joining IGLA. Our AGM is a great opportunity for members to meet old friends and make new ones. Meeting like-minded partners helps to grow your businesses. Our AGM provides the right platform to meet global agents under one roof.

The 121 meetings have resulted in the closure of big deals between the members.

Payment Protection Fund

Our PPF lets you cooperate with peace of mind. Our comprehensive coverage safe guards the interest of the members from bad debts by compensating for unpaid invoices in case of bankruptcy or insolvency.

Members of Good Standing

Our rigorous selection process ensures only members of good standing and reputation are provided membership. Payment of membership fees alone, does not guarantee MEMBERSHIP. Background and reference checks are done, license and documents are sort and verified prior to enrolling a member. Most of our members are chosen by reference received from our existing members.

Global Connection

Our members are spread across the 5 continents. We connect you to the world! You can find reliable and likeminded global partners with IGLA.

Business Interchange

Our innovative and effective business interchange program helps our members to gain business from the group. The growth of IGLA is linked to the growth of its members. Great focus and effort are put into by IGLA team to ensure all members are benefited through the exchange of business.

Aggressive Promotion Campaign

We promote our members via social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook &Twitter. Members can share articles, which are posted in our monthly newsletter. We arrange short online interview with members, giving them an opportunity to introduce their company and services. These interviews are displayed on IGLA website. IGLA members can advertise their company on our specially designed advertisement page at a nominal fee. We leave no stone unturned to promote and increase the visibility of our members.

Exclusive Member Page

Every IGLA member will have an exclusive page on our website. Members can update and edit their company information by themselves. Members will have the access to promote their company on their profile page. Highlight special services and promotional offers to increase business



# 2 K.C.C. Building (2nd Floor),

SilomSoi 9 (SoiSuksavittaya)

Silom Road, Silom Sub-district,

Bangrak District Bangkok 10500



Tel: +662-635-0081-82


Mobile: +6681-9336315

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